The Intellectual Toolkit of Geniuses: 40 Principles that Will Make You Smarter and Teach You to Think Like a Genius (Master Your Mind, Revolutionize Your Life Series)
( 7 reviews )What do Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein have in common? It seems like a trick question, right? They were geniuses, of course! But not only that, they all followed principles that helped them along their way to their big discoveries.
I have studied the lives of geniuses in history, and also in my own life to come up with the common principles that geniuses use time and again. There are rules and patterns to the kinds of things geniuses think about and focus on. That is what this book is all about.
If you don't want to read tons of biographies, and just want to learn how geniuses think and how you can become closer to being one, this is the right book. There are 40 principles here that you can get started using immediately in your life. These principles will help you become smarter and take you a big step toward thinking like a genius.
We have to keep in mind that in today's society there are a lot of damaging beliefs about what it takes to become a genius. Many people believe it's not possible to become one. That simply isn't true. Most of us do not know where to start, and most of us do not want to put in the effort it requires to make a genius breakthrough. Other than that, there isn't much stopping us. If you know where to start, and you're willing to put in the work, genius is within your reach.
As soon as we realize the exact principles (the ways of thinking and the tools that we need to get started) the skies are the limit. The general theme of this book as that we need to stop limiting ourselves. We need to be willing to release our true potential. Our minds have a greater potential than we know. Use your mind to take your thinking to the next level and achieve your own true greatness. Get started now and unlock your potential for yourself like so many geniuses before you did.
Book Description
I have studied the lives of geniuses in history, and also in my own life to come up with the common principles that geniuses use time and again. There are rules and patterns to the kinds of things geniuses think about and focus on. That is what this book is all about.
If you don't want to read tons of biographies, and just want to learn how geniuses think and how you can become closer to being one, this is the right book. There are 40 principles here that you can get started using immediately in your life. These principles will help you become smarter and take you a big step toward thinking like a genius.
We have to keep in mind that in today's society there are a lot of damaging beliefs about what it takes to become a genius. Many people believe it's not possible to become one. That simply isn't true. Most of us do not know where to start, and most of us do not want to put in the effort it requires to make a genius breakthrough. Other than that, there isn't much stopping us. If you know where to start, and you're willing to put in the work, genius is within your reach.
As soon as we realize the exact principles (the ways of thinking and the tools that we need to get started) the skies are the limit. The general theme of this book as that we need to stop limiting ourselves. We need to be willing to release our true potential. Our minds have a greater potential than we know. Use your mind to take your thinking to the next level and achieve your own true greatness. Get started now and unlock your potential for yourself like so many geniuses before you did.
Book Detail
Book Title
The Intellectual Toolkit of Geniuses: 40 Princi...
I. C. Robledo
Book Type
Date Published
cone adresson
Nam ut egestas nibh. Phasellus sollicitudin tempus neque quis gravida. Aenean a eros at ex pharetra suscipit. Proin iaculis ipsum ac ullamcorper pretium. Morbi ut leo eu felis commodo porta.
sarena doe
Nam ut egestas nibh. Phasellus sollicitudin tempus neque quis gravida. Aenean a eros at ex pharetra suscipit. Proin iaculis ipsum ac ullamcorper pretium. Morbi ut leo eu felis commodo porta.
Donec ullamcorper vulputate quam pharetra tempus. Nam mi eros, porta vitae tempus sit amet, blandit non elit. Cras aliquet massa non quam molestie facilisis. Duis sollicitudin mattis ante, sed suscipit mi blandit et.
Mark Smith
Donec ullamcorper vulputate quam pharetra tempus. Nam mi eros, porta vitae tempus sit amet, blandit non elit. Cras aliquet massa non quam molestie facilisis. Duis sollicitudin mattis ante, sed suscipit mi blandit et.